Saturday, September 18, 2010

Scotia Store Now OPEN!

Come check us out at 125 Mohawk Ave in Scotia! Here are some pictures of the new shop:

The storefront

Some PS2/Xbox/Gamecube games

The wall of classics (NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, etc.)

DVD Movies - 3-for-$10

One of the glass cases. Yep, thats a BOXED Magnavox Odyssey² with a bunch of games.

The Electronics cabinet.

A couple of guitars and amps in one of the glass cabinets.
The newer game cabinet (Modern Warfare 2, Madden 11, etc.)
Come check out the new shop!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Welcome to EZ Dealz!

Keep an eye on our blogspot for updates on changes and new arrivals!